viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

hay algunas cosas muy pequeñas que me pueden hacer el dia.

Y una de estas es esta noticia con la que me tope hoy dia de casualidad, es una de esas cosas que me hacen reir y tener ganas de bailar. Que bueno que es viernes.

"A theatre performance by some of Germany's top actors descended into chaos after they substituted water for vodka on stage.

The show in Frankfurt became shambolic after the actors decided "as an experiment" to substitute the "water" in their vodka bottles for 90-proof spirit.

According to the Guardian , the play depicts "one of the most famous alcoholic benders in world literature".

It involves a Russian train trip where the characters binge drink throughout the journey from Moscow to a remote Soviet village.

The actor's started drinking real vodka to better enact the story but the audience's amusement soon turned to alarm as the actors started falling off chairs and tables and inviting the audience to drink with them.

When the actors started to have difficulty standing up, and were falling heavily onto the stage, backstage crew called an ambulance.

But the chaos continued when an actor became violent in the ambulance and police were called. He later had his stomach pumped at a Frankfurt hospital.

Director Oliver Reese said: "One of the actors in particular clearly drank too much vodka, on an empty stomach. That in combination with the adrenalin an actor already feels when he's on stage caused him to go off the rails. "His self-control failed him."

Gracias señores actores me han hecho el dia.

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